
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where is this blog leading? Who’s your audience?

Yesterday someone I know very well (no names will be named) asked me ‘What’s the purpose of your blog? Who do you want as your audience?’ So I said ‘What! Can you give me a break? This blog is only a couple days old’. ‘It’s just not evident to me what this is leading up to,’ unnamed person persisted. I won’t tell you what I said then, but grudgingly I’ll admit those are good questions. So here are the answers.

My posts will encompass the following range of topics:

1) Explanations of different concepts underlying networks in nature, and network principles in general, and how they relate to the issue of poverty. These will be a little didactic but are concepts that will help in understanding other posts. Initially there will be more of these but over time that ratio will change in favour of the categories below.

2)Discussions of different approaches to tackling poverty and their successes and shortcomings.

3)Discussion of a network based approach to solving the problem of poverty using a for-profit enterprise model which will include empirical data and network models.

4)An update on the practical approaches and outcomes at Madura Microfinance where we will use network understanding to drive socioeconomic change.

The audience I envision are people with an interest in the issue of poverty who 1) work in companies, government, non profits and other organizations who are curious about what science may have to offer as an approach on the frontlines 2) are scientists in the areas of nonlinear dynamics, condensed matter physics and other related fields who are interested in taking on research that can have immediate practical relevance.

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